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Our Values in Action During the COVID-19 Crisis

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Our Values in Action During The Covid-19 Crisis:

For better or worse, cannabis industry operators and service providers are no strangers to constant change, challenge and adversity. It’s moments like these that FlowerHire and the businesses who’s hiring and recruitment we support can practice putting our values into action.


We’re staying vigilant in following the guidelines of physical safety and emotional wellbeing of those in our immediate and larger communities — our staff, vendors, clients, and their families. Our team, like so many others, are embracing remote distribution, while connecting daily on video chats, phone, text and email and anything else we can think of to keep each other closely connected.  In our meetings, we open and close with “double blessings” to honor the plant and its power for healing and for bringing people together.


As a startup in an inherently challenging industry, our business is bound to be affected by the tides and turns of the market turbulence. We aim to be open with employees, clients and vendors about what’s happening in our business, and to work together on creative solutions. We’re using the tools available through technology to be “virtually present” with all members of our ecosystem, and to keep the lines of communication open as information changes moment to moment.


While in the work context we are business leaders, recruiters, account execs, and operations pros – right now it seems even more important that we see and relate to people as human beings. We’re doing our team meetings using video chat, and finding that seeing each other (and sometimes one another’s home offices, pets and children!) really humanizes the experience of being remotely distributed. We’re doing our best to keep our concern for one another alive by spending a few minutes before each meeting checking in with the person, not the employee– asking about family, the lines at the grocery store, and what folks are doing to survive the various social distancing guidelines in place. 


In sharp contrast to the massive layoffs we’re hearing about on the news, the FlowerHire team is still working diligently to help top talent and companies find their dream jobs and build their teams. Cannabis is used to setbacks, and while this one is certainly on a much different scale, business leaders are still pushing ahead and executing on their plans.  This week alone, we’ve started 4 new hires for growing cannabis companies in four states. Learning from the lessons of the economic recession in 2008, we know that it’s critical to keep as focused as possible and get done what can get done in these compromised moments. While it’s normal to see some start dates pushed back and some hiring timelines slowed, we are still hearing a need for leadership in Operations, Compliance, Accounting/ Finance and Sales, and scores of seasoned cannabis-industry candidates who are ready to take on these opportunities.

Our pledge to our partners and the cannabis industry as a whole is to continue our mission to build a conscious cannabis community, one hire at a time, even in the most challenging times. We consider ourselves the connective tissue of this industry, and you can trust that we’ll be here, working for the careers of candidates and the businesses we support, exploring ever-creative ways of moving forward in these less-than-ideal circumstances.


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