Watch the full webinar here:
As all of us face the new normal, we all need to understand new workplace expectations and how to navigate employee relations. As an answer to that, we have created a Webinar Series in Partnership with our friends at BlueFire Cannabis by FutureSense to bring you access and information on how to now function in the Cannabis Workplace. The panel included the following cannabis HR experts:
- Thuy Vu, Director of Operations, Regulatory Affairs & Business Development at Hammer Enterprises
- Stephanie H. Nelson, MBA, CMC, Managing Consultant at BlueFire Cannabis by FutureSense
- Jason Desentz, Executive VP of Human Resources at Gage Cannabis
- Christian Robeson, Director of Human Resources at Canndescent
As usual, the panelist began with a discussion on the extra precautions their companies have been taking to keep employees and customers safe and communicate with them during this time. Safety protocols included taking temperatures, Communication, including guidance on correct communication, was important for supporting employees and reassuring consumers. At Canndescent, corporate had employees sign off on a policy to make sure everyone abiding by these new rules in order to keep everyone safe.
At Hammer, Thuy Vu’s microbiologist background allowed her to have an interesting perspective on taking precautionary measures to keep everyone safe. Jason Desentz from Gage Cannabis commented on how he believes many safety requirements that were implemented because of COVID-19, such as face masks, will continue once the pandemic is over.
Jason Desentz also mentioned Gage CAnnabis wanted to help our families while they were at home. They have provided educational pieces and tools for children, allowed families to have access to art/cultural and fitness activities, and provided free access to subscriptions such as Disney Plus and Hulu. Christian Robeson from Canndescent has provided similar tings, as well as employee assistance program information program and PPE information.
In the future, the panelists believe that cannabis will become more similar to the healthcare industry. While there might be some push back at first, the stereotypes of cannabis will fade and become more of a medical environment. However, this will require a strong adoption and embrace of the new normal.