Cannabis Careers
& talent placement.
FlowerHire is your one stop solution for curated and high intent talent looking to work in the cannabis industry. Whether you are hiring or searching, we are here to help.
Cannabis Careers
& talent placement.
FlowerHire is your one stop solution for curated and high intent talent looking to work in the cannabis industry. Whether you are hiring or searching, we are here to help.

Full-Service cannabis staffing agency

FlowerHire Contingency Search is our traditional “pay as you go” solution that offers the lowest up-front risk and the simplest engagement for our customers.

FlowerHire Retained Search is typically used for customers who are filling C Suite roles or have a scope of multiple strategic hires to engage with.

full spectrum
FlowerHire Full Spectrum Solutions Program is a full service talent and recruiting option for customers who are hiring 4+ people over the course of 12 months.
The types of roles we fill
The types of roles we fill
Commander. The Strategist. The Driver. The Visionary. The Figurehead.
Flow Artist. Brand Queen. Media Bossman. Hype Man. The Orator.
Revenue Mercenary. The Closer. The GM.The Distributor. The Field Operative.
The Bookkeeper. Revenue Forecaster. The Compiler. Financial Wizard.
Master Grower. Soil Sprayer. Seed Jockey. Chemistrator. The Masterbuilder.
The Hacker. The Scrapper. The Platform Emperor. CRMobster. The Dev Cypher.